Tale Of Two Strains is a drug that contains the two main compounds, cannabidiol (CBD) and tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). CBD has psychoactive effects, but doesn’t have the ‘high’ associated with THC. There are many different types of cannabis, each with its own unique characteristics and effects. One of these is high-CBD strains, which have a higher ratio of CBD to THC and can be beneficial for people with anxiety.
The committee members assessed the key information based on their expertise and on several factors that were shaped by the mandate objectives and standard principles Health Canada considers during the drug approval process. These include safety, efficacy and quality. The committee also considered the evidence from randomized clinical controlled trials, which are the gold standard for medical research. Observational studies, which follow people over time, can also provide valuable information.
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In addition, the committee heard strong interest from Canadians in cannabis-based health products that could be bought and used without the need for a physician or nurse practitioner to oversee their use, much like over-the-counter medications. Health Canada’s 2019 consultation on a potential market for these products is now available.
Among high-CBD strains, Cherry Wine is a popular choice for those looking to relax. It’s often listed with a CBD-to-THC ratio of 13:1 or higher, and has been shown to be effective for pain relief, anxiety, stress and sleep disorders. It also has an earthy, citrus aroma and a hint of sourness that make it reminiscent of a glass of merlot.